Weather variables include date, time, station location, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, average speed, max speed, light intensity, rain levels, and others.
The WeatherBug for Automation Driver will be delivered as an additional plug-in well over 100 automation protocols are already supported. Starting in September 2007, the software will support Internet Connectivity to real-time weather information, available as a licensed service.
KepServerEx, the latest generation of Kepware’s OPC server technology, was designed for quick setup of communications from equipment to control systems via a wide range of available “plug-in” device drivers and components.

Access to precise and timely weather information is significant for many industries, including wastewater, power, mill products (wood and paper), and chemicals, among others, for production planning, quality improvement, and disaster management.

WeatherBug, sole proprietor of the world’s largest weather network, has granted an exclusive license to Kepware for weather information delivery into industrial automation applications via an OPC server. Kepware Technologies under exclusive license from WeatherBug, a brand of AWS Convergence Technologies, now can deliver live, streaming real-time weather information through the KepServerEx OPC Server.